Screaming little girls that think Ryan Reynolds is hot piss me off.

::insert evil laugter here::
Far be it from me to argue that point but this is what it’s about...(sample conversation inserted for illustrative effects).
Random Idiot: OMG, Ryan Reynolds is so freakin hot, I just can’t BELIEVE it.
QOTU: Yeah, he’s funny too. Two Guys, A Girl and A Pizza Place is one of my favorite shows ever. I am thinking I need to buy it on DVD.
Random Idiot: WTF? Ryan Reynolds was never on TV, he’s a MOOOOOVVVIEEEE star, what are you talking about? Stupid old lady, ha ha ha.
QOTU: ::shoots IMDB lightning bolts all over said idiot faster than she can say ‘what’s IMDB?’::
Come on, he is NOT the new thing. He even kicked vampire butt before it was cool…now everyone is doing it. (Side note here, I am also RIDICULOUSLY addicted to True Blood but that’s another blog).
You can spend money going to see him and drool over his pictures, but I am sorry, you don’t get to carry the official Ryan Reynolds card. Those are reserved for us that know he is more than a pretty face but happily embrace his right to take his clothes off any time he pleases.
On a Comic Con side note, I could care less if he and Scarlet are fighting, I don’t really care for her anyway (sorry Scott), but dude, check this out…I am stoked!
Peace out!
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