It should be easier after three days, yes? I wake up an hour late (I know, God forbid on a Saturday I actually sleep) and get cracking.
Literally. I sound like friggin' RoboCop. I know you are thinking here, "oh Queen, thou doth exaggerate too much." No. I. Am. Not. Crackle, crackle, pop, pop, like Rice Krispies on crack. I have spent the last year testing nearly all the Glucosamine pills (I can't swallow 4 a day or huge ones) and drinks (most are thick and nasty).

The only things I have found I can tolerate is Joint Juice waters and concentrate and Emergen C Joint Health. In this house, we have used Emergen C products for about 5 years and I submit, its the reason no one is ever really sick and when one of us does get sick, it passes pretty quickly. I am hoping that in a few weeks of exercise and supplements, the RoboCop noise in my knees will decrease. Quite honestly, it freaks me out and is largely the reason I have to modify the jumping exercises. But I digress...
I open the bedroom door post-workout and look at my boyfriend while I am trying to remember to breathe:
QOTU: She hates me.
BF: (Laughing) It will get easier, your body has to get used to it.
QOTU: She is trying to kill me.
BF: Sure, okay, whatever. (Laughing)
He doesn't realize she YELLS and she is a mind reader. When you are tired and thinking I am done, she tells you that you can't phone it in. When you are ready to give up, she says when we get to the end we finish BIG, not give up.
She is trying to kill me. She says "I know those of you on day 5 or 7 are noticing more endurance than when you started."
We will just see about this, Jillian the Terrible, we will see.
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