Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My True Blood Party, Soundtrack courtesy of Better Than Ezra

So have you started planning your party yet? While I may have to wait until summer, I am already planning the beverages, the dinner and now I am working on the soundtrack. While it is not a secret that Better than Ezra is the worlds greatest band (if by now you haven't seen them live you really really should), I am currently engaged in requesting/harassing HBO in regards to adding them to the list of musical wonder that is a great big part of the True Blood experience. I mean, just ask Jace Everett. While phone calls and letters are both ways to effectively stalk/annoy, I have enlisted the fabulous social media cocktail that is Twitter to beat them into submission. My most recent tweet fodder is as follows:

@HBO how about Lafayette's new beau takes him salsa dancing and they dance to Like It Like That by @betterthanezra?

@HBO how about playing Breathless by @betterthanezra when Sookie and Eric consumate their relationship? :) 9:32 AM Jan 21st from web

@hbo how about @betterthanezra sing "Juicy" live at Fangtasia with vamp gogo dancers?

@hbo what about playing One More Murder by @betterthanezra in the background next time Sookie finds a dead body? Excellent idea. :)

@HBO so when will we see @betterthanezra on True Blood? It's a perfect fit. :)

I am actually surprised this hasn't occurred to anyone else, but two seasons have flown by and still the greatest Louisiana ambassadors have not been represented. For all I know, this could already be in the works, but I will continue my effort. I took Middle Monkey to a show at the end of the year and getting a text from her, front row, center stage when they started "Allison Foley" that said "!!!!!!!!" was about the greatest thing ever. (And my fav song no less). You Probably know Better Than Ezra from Extraordinary or Juicy but they are also great humanitarians, advocates for rebuilding New Orleans and just about some of the funniest guys around. Even Taylor Swift thinks so! Check them out or meet me at a show, mkay?

Not on the True Blood bandwagon yet? Let me help. I submit for your perusal, Mr. Eric Northman.

Wait ladies, there is more, (as there should be)...turns out (known by his real name) Alexander Skarsgard has been voted sexiest man in Sweden a ridiculous amount of times and has provided so many options to view his intellect, his humor, and um, his man parts, that we should all bow down to the visionary Swedes. Oh yeah, thank the god of your choice for bringing him to our shores! Woot!

If you haven't been infected by the True Blood virus, check out the first season on DVD, second season is following soon, and don't forget to try some of the tasty beverage yourself.

Mmmmm mmmmm mmmm. (insert additional gratuitous picture for effect)

Right, I thought so. And read the books! Can't wait for that shower scene. Woot!

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