"Being weird."
"Ok, I agree, why are you being weird?"
"Because it's weird time."
"When does weird time start?"
"At 2:45 in the afternoon."
"And when does it end?"
"At 3:15 in the afternoon."
"Good to know."
Sometimes, it's just better to walk out of the room. Seven year olds have a definite sense of how their worlds work, whether we agree with them or not. I am going to be checking the clock every afternoon though, this may explain A LOT!

Does this mean I have to limit my weirdness to 30 minutes a day? I hope not or else I'm in big trouble
or maybe we add 30 minute increments as we age? hmmm...
hehehehe..that's my new favorite response. "being weird" that's effen sweet. leave it to the smart little monkey!
Which prooves how much smarter kids are than grownups. A wonderful idea but like La Lunatique, I shall have 30 minutes sensible time a day, just to rest my brain. Hello,
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