Thursday, June 26, 2008

UPDATE: It's gonna be a great day!*

Luckily there's too much good stuff out there for me to have to work too hard on a morning I don't feel like it...

From my fav site EVER, Heather shows us why it's probably not a good idea to do a cleanse (or at least talk to a doctor first). Thank God I haven't started it yet...I almost forgot that stupid lemonade and pepper one that made me puke for two hours just on the first day. Gonna keep my toxins a few days longer, thanks!

For a daily dose of beautiful, stroll over to Gingatao. This is one of my favorites because it's just so sweet.

This one made me laugh my ass off just cause Kinky is so damn funny no matter what he does. Texas politics, gotta love it.

Make it a good one, I'm gonna!

*so lunch was AWESOME, so far, so


Anonymous said...

Cool, thanks for the mention. I'm flattered. That is a great collage in the old tv below. It's gonna be a great day! yayayayayaya

Queen of the Universe said...

You are most welcome, that poem was beautiful!